Oracle Reference

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Oracle Reference

Data Dictionary Views


DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL displays all standard audit trail entries.

Related View

USER_AUDIT_TRAIL displays the standard audit trail entries related to the current user.

OS_USERNAMEVARCHAR2(255)Operating system login username of the user whose actions were audited
USERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name (not ID number) of the user whose actions were audited
USERHOSTVARCHAR2(128)Client host machine name
TERMINALVARCHAR2(255)Identifier of the user's terminal
TIMESTAMPDATEDate and time of the creation of the audit trail entry (date and time of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in the local database session time zone
OWNERVARCHAR2(30)Creator of the object affected by the action
OBJ_NAMEVARCHAR2(128)Name of the object affected by the action
ACTIONNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric action type code. The corresponding name of the action type is in the ACTION_NAME column.
ACTION_NAMEVARCHAR2(28)Name of the action type corresponding to the numeric code in the ACTION column
NEW_OWNERVARCHAR2(30)Owner of the object named in the NEW_NAME column
NEW_NAMEVARCHAR2(128)New name of the object after a RENAME or the name of the underlying object
OBJ_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(16)Object privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
SYS_PRIVILEGEVARCHAR2(40)System privileges granted or revoked by a GRANT or REVOKE statement
ADMIN_OPTIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the role or system privilege was granted with the ADMIN option
GRANTEEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the grantee specified in a GRANT or REVOKE statement
AUDIT_OPTIONVARCHAR2(40)Auditing option set with the AUDIT statement
SES_ACTIONSVARCHAR2(19)Session summary (a string of 16 characters, one for each action type in the order ALTER, AUDIT, COMMENT, DELETE, GRANT, INDEX, INSERT, LOCK, RENAME, SELECT, UPDATE, REFERENCES, and EXECUTE). Positions 14, 15, and 16 are reserved for future use. The characters are:
- - None
S - Success
F - Failure
B - Both
LOGOFF_TIMEDATEDate and time of user log off
LOGOFF_LREADNUMBERLogical reads for the session
LOGOFF_PREADNUMBERPhysical reads for the session
LOGOFF_LWRITENUMBERLogical writes for the session
LOGOFF_DLOCKVARCHAR2(40)Deadlocks detected during the session
COMMENT_TEXTVARCHAR2(4000)Text comment on the audit trail entry, providing more information about the statement auditedAlso indicates how the user was authenticated. The method can be one of the following:
DATABASE - Authentication was done by password
NETWORK - Authentication was done by Oracle Net Services or the Advanced Security option
PROXY - Client was authenticated by another user; the name of the proxy user follows the method type
SESSIONIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each Oracle session. Each user session gets a unique session ID.
ENTRYIDNUMBERNOT NULLNumeric ID for each audit trail entry in the session. The entry ID is an index of a session's audit entries that starts at 1 and increases to the number of entries that are written.
STATEMENTIDNUMBERNOT NULLnth statement in the user session. The first SQL statement gets a value of 1 and the value is incremented for each subsequent SQL statement. Note that one SQL statement can create more than one audit trail entry (for example, when more than one object is audited from the same SQL statement), and in this case the statement ID remains the same for that statement and the entry ID increases for each audit trail entry created by the statement.
RETURNCODENUMBERNOT NULLOracle error code generated by the action. Some useful values:
0 - Action succeeded
2004 - Security violation
PRIV_USEDVARCHAR2(40)System privilege used to execute the action
CLIENT_IDVARCHAR2(64)Client identifier in each Oracle session
ECONTEXT_IDVARCHAR2(64)Application execution context identifier
SESSION_CPUNUMBERAmount of CPU time used by each Oracle session
EXTENDED_TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONETimestamp of the creation of the audit trail entry (timestamp of user login for entries created by AUDIT SESSION) in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) time zone
PROXY_SESSIONIDNUMBERProxy session serial number, if an enterprise user has logged in through the proxy mechanism
GLOBAL_UIDVARCHAR2(32)Global user identifier for the user, if the user has logged in as an enterprise user
INSTANCE_NUMBERNUMBERInstance number as specified by the INSTANCE_NUMBER initialization parameter
OS_PROCESSVARCHAR2(16)Operating System process identifier of the Oracle process
TRANSACTIONIDRAW(8)Transaction identifier of the transaction in which the object is accessed or modified
SCNNUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the query
SQL_BINDNVARCHAR2(2000)Bind variable data of the query
SQL_TEXTNVARCHAR2(2000)SQL text of the query
OBJ_EDITION_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the edition containing the audited object
DBIDNUMBERDatabase identifier of the audited database


The SQL_BIND and SQL_TEXT columns are only populated if the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is set to db, extended.


DBA_DATA_FILES describes database files.

FILE_NAMEVARCHAR2(513)Name of the database file
FILE_IDNUMBERNOT NULLFile identifier number of the database file
TABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the tablespace to which the file belongs
BYTESNUMBERSize of the file in bytes
BLOCKSNUMBERNOT NULLSize of the file in Oracle blocks
STATUSVARCHAR2(9)File status: AVAILABLE or INVALID (INVALID means that the file number is not in use, for example, a file in a tablespace that was dropped)
RELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file number
AUTOEXTENSIBLEVARCHAR2(3)Autoextensible indicator
MAXBYTESNUMBERMaximum file size in bytes
MAXBLOCKSNUMBERMaximum file size in blocks
INCREMENT_BYNUMBERNumber of Oracle blocks used as autoextension increment
USER_BYTESNUMBERThe size of the file available for user data. The actual size of the file minus the USER_BYTES value is used to store file related metadata.
USER_BLOCKSNUMBERNumber of blocks which can be used by the data
ONLINE_STATUSVARCHAR2(7)Online status of the file:


DBA_FREE_SPACE describes the free extents in all tablespaces in the database.

Note that if a datafile (or entire tablespace) is offline in a locally managed tablespace, you will not see any extent information. If an object has extents in an online file of the tablespace, you will see extent information about the offline datafile. However, if the object is entirely in the offline file, a query of this view will not return any records.

Related View

USER_FREE_SPACE describes the free extents in the tablespaces accessible to the current user.

TABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace containing the extent
FILE_IDNUMBERFile identifier number of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_IDNUMBERStarting block number of the extent
BYTESNUMBERSize of the extent (in bytes)
BLOCKSNUMBERSize of the extent (in Oracle blocks)
RELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative file number of the file containing the extent


DBA_RECYCLEBIN displays information about all recycle bins in the database.

Related View

USER_RECYCLEBIN displays information about the recycle bin owned by the current user. This view does not display the OWNER column.

OWNERVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the original owner of the object
OBJECT_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLNew name of the object
ORIGINAL_NAMEVARCHAR2(32)Original name of the object
OPERATIONVARCHAR2(9)Operation carried out on the object:
DROP - Object was dropped
TRUNCATE - Object was truncated
Note: The Oracle Database currently only supports recovering dropped objects from the recycle bin. The truncated objects cannot be recovered.
TYPEVARCHAR2(25)Type of the object:
Table Partition
Table Composite Partition
Index Partition
Index Composite Partition
LOB Partition
LOB Composite Partition
TS_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)Name of the tablespace to which the object belongs
CREATETIMEVARCHAR2(19)Timestamp for the creation of the object
DROPTIMEVARCHAR2(19)Timestamp for the dropping of the object
DROPSCNNUMBERSystem change number (SCN) of the transaction which moved the object to the recycle bin
PARTITION_NAMEVARCHAR2(32)Name of the partition which was dropped
CAN_UNDROPVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the object can be undropped (YES) or not (NO)
CAN_PURGEVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the object can be purged (YES) or not (NO)
RELATEDNUMBERNOT NULLObject number of the parent object
BASE_OBJECTNUMBERNOT NULLObject number of the base object
PURGE_OBJECTNUMBERNOT NULLObject number for the object which gets purged
SPACENUMBERNumber of blocks used by the object


DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS describes the extents comprising the segments in all undo tablespaces in the database.


The status of the undo space distribution reported by DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS is correct for the undo tablespace that is active on the instance on which DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS is queried. However, due to the use of in-memory information that is different on each instance, there can be a discrepancy in the status of the undo space distribution of undo tablespaces active on other instances when queried from one instance. This does not affect undo functionality and is only a reporting discrepancy for other instances' undo tablespace space distribution status. As a best practice, query the space distribution for an undo tablespace from the instance on which it is active.

OWNERCHAR(3)Owner of the undo tablespace
SEGMENT_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the undo segment
TABLESPACE_NAMEVARCHAR2(30)NOT NULLName of the undo tablespace
FILE_IDNUMBERNOT NULLFile identifier number of the file containing the extent
BLOCK_IDNUMBERStart block number of the extent
BYTESNUMBERSize of the extent (in bytes)
BLOCKSNUMBERSize of the extent (in blocks)
RELATIVE_FNONUMBERRelative number of the file containing the segment header
COMMIT_JTIMENUMBERCommit time of the undo in the extent expressed as Julian time. This column is deprecated, but retained for backward compatibility reasons.
COMMIT_WTIMEVARCHAR2(20)Commit time of the undo in the extent expressed as Wallclock time.This column is deprecated, but retained for backward compatibility reasons.
STATUSVARCHAR2(9)Transaction Status of the undo in the extent:


FLASHBACK_TRANSACTION_QUERY displays information about all flashback transaction queries in the database. The database must have at least minimal supplemental logging enabled to avoid unpredictable behavior.

XIDRAW(8)Transaction identifier
START_SCNNUMBERTransaction start system change number (SCN)
START_TIMESTAMPDATETransaction start timestamp
COMMIT_SCNNUMBERTransaction commit system change number; NULL for active transactions
COMMIT_TIMESTAMPDATETransaction commit timestamp; NULL for active transactions
LOGON_USERVARCHAR2(30)Logon user for the transaction
UNDO_CHANGE#NUMBERUndo system change number (1 or higher)
OPERATIONVARCHAR2(32)Forward-going DML operation performed by the transaction:
D - Delete
I - Insert
U - Update
TABLE_NAMEVARCHAR2(256)Name of the table to which the DML applies
TABLE_OWNERVARCHAR2(32)Owner of the table to which the DML applies
ROW_IDVARCHAR2(19)Rowid of the row that was modified by the DML
UNDO_SQLVARCHAR2(4000)SQL to undo the DML indicated by OPERATION

Dynamic Performance View


V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY displays sampled session activity in the database. It contains snapshots of active database sessions taken once a second. A database session is considered active if it was on the CPU or was waiting for an event that didn't belong to the Idle wait class. Refer to the V$EVENT_NAME view for more information on wait classes.

This view contains one row for each active session per sample and returns the latest session sample rows first. A majority of the columns describing the session in the active session history are present in the V$SESSION view.

SAMPLE_TIMETIMESTAMP(3)Time at which the sample was taken
IS_AWR_SAMPLEVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether this sample has been flushed or will be flushed to the Automatic Workload Repository (DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY) (Y) or not (N)
SESSION_IDNUMBERSession identifier; maps to V$SESSION.SID
SESSION_SERIAL#NUMBERSession serial number (used to uniquely identify a session's objects); maps to V$SESSION.SERIAL#
FLAGSNUMBERReserved for future use
USER_IDNUMBEROracle user identifier; maps to V$SESSION.USER#
SQL_IDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the SQL statement that the session was executing at the time of sampling
IS_SQLID_CURRENTVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the SQL identifier in the SQL_ID column is being executed (Y) or not (N)
SQL_CHILD_NUMBERNUMBERChild number of the SQL statement that the session was executing at the time of sampling
SQL_OPCODENUMBERIndicates what phase of operation the SQL statement was in; maps to V$SESSION.COMMAND
SQL_OPNAMEVARCHAR2(64)SQL command name
FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURENUMBERSignature used when the CURSOR_SHARING parameter is set to FORCE
TOP_LEVEL_SQL_IDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the top level SQL statement
TOP_LEVEL_SQL_OPCODENUMBERIndicates what phase of operation the top level SQL statement was in
SQL_PLAN_HASH_VALUENUMBERNumerical representation of the SQL plan for the cursor. This information might not be available for all session samples. V$SESSION does not contain this information.
SQL_PLAN_OPERATIONVARCHAR2(30)Plan operation name
SQL_PLAN_OPTIONSVARCHAR2(30)Plan operation options
SQL_EXEC_IDNUMBERSQL execution identifier
SQL_EXEC_STARTDATETime when the execution of the SQL started
PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_IDNUMBERObject ID of the top-most PL/SQL subprogram on the stack; NULL if there is no PL/SQL subprogram on the stack. Maps to DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_ID.
PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_IDNUMBERSubprogram ID of the top-most PL/SQL subprogram on the stack. Maps to DBA_OBJECTS.DATA_OBJECT_ID.
PLSQL_OBJECT_IDNUMBERObject ID of the currently executing PL/SQL subprogram. Maps to DBA_OBJECTS.OBJECT_ID.
PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_IDNUMBERSubprogram ID of the currently executing PL/SQL object; NULL if executing SQL. Maps to DBA_OBJECTS.DATA_OBJECT_ID.
QC_INSTANCE_IDNUMBERQuery coordinator instance ID. This information is only available if the sampled session is a parallel query slave. For all other sessions, the value is 0.
QC_SESSION_IDNUMBERQuery coordinator session ID. This information is only available if the sampled session is a parallel query slave. For all other sessions, the value is 0.
QC_SESSION_SERIAL#NUMBERQuery coordinator session serial number. This information is only available if the sampled session is a parallel query slave. For all other sessions, the value is 0.
PX_FLAGSFoot 1 open in new windowNUMBERReserved for internal use
EVENTVARCHAR2(64)If SESSION_STATE = WAITING, then the event for which the session was waiting for at the time of sampling.
If SESSION_STATE = ON CPU, then this column is NULL.
EVENT_IDNUMBERIdentifier of the resource or event for which the session is waiting or for which the session last waited. Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENT column.
EVENT#NUMBERNumber of the resource or event for which the session is waiting or for which the session last waited. Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENT column.
SEQ#NUMBERSequence number that uniquely identifies the wait (incremented for each wait)
P1TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Text of the first additional parameter
P1NUMBERFirst additional parameter
P2TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Text of the second additional parameter
P2NUMBERSecond additional parameter
P3TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Text of the third additional parameter
P3NUMBERThird additional parameter
WAIT_CLASSVARCHAR2(64)Wait class name of the event for which the session was waiting at the time of sampling. Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENT column. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_CLASS.
WAIT_CLASS_IDNUMBERWait class identifier of the event for which the session was waiting at the time of sampling. Interpretation is similar to that of the EVENT column. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_CLASS_ID.
WAIT_TIMENUMBERTotal wait time for the event for which the session last waited if the session was on the CPU when sampled; 0 if the session was waiting at the time of sampling
Note: Whether or not WAIT_TIME = 0 is what is useful to find the SESSION_STATE at the time of sampling, rather than the actual value of WAIT_TIME itself. Maps to V$SESSION.WAIT_TIME.
TIME_WAITEDNUMBERIf SESSION_STATE = WAITING, then the time that the session actually spent waiting for that event (in microseconds). This column is set for waits that were in progress at the time the sample was taken.
If a wait event lasted for more than a second and was caught waiting in more than one session sample row, then the actual time spent waiting for that wait event will be populated in the last of those session sample rows. At any given time, this information will not be available for the latest session sample.
BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUSVARCHAR2(11)Status of the blocking session:
BLOCKING_SESSIONNUMBERSession identifier of the blocking session. Populated only if the blocker is on the same instance and the session was waiting for enqueues or a "buffer busy" wait. Maps to V$SESSION.BLOCKING_SESSION.
BLOCKING_SESSION_SERIAL#NUMBERSerial number of the blocking session
BLOCKING_INST_IDNUMBERInstance number of the blocker shown in BLOCKING_SESSION
BLOCKING_HANGCHAIN_INFOVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the information about BLOCKING_SESSION comes from the hang chain (Y) or not (N)
CURRENT_OBJ#NUMBERObject ID of the object that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for application, cluster, concurrency, and user I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_OBJ#.
CURRENT_FILE#NUMBERFile number of the file containing the block that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for cluster, concurrency, and user I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_FILE#.
CURRENT_BLOCK#NUMBERID of the block that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for cluster, concurrency, and user I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#.
CURRENT_ROW#NUMBERRow identifier that the session is referencing. This information is only available if the session was waiting for cluster, concurrency, and user I/O wait events. Maps to V$SESSION.ROW_WAIT_ROW#.
TOP_LEVEL_CALL#NUMBEROracle top level call number
TOP_LEVEL_CALL_NAMEVARCHAR2(64)Oracle top level call name
XIDRAW(8)Transaction ID that the session was working on at the time of sampling. V$SESSION does not contain this information.
REMOTE_INSTANCE#NUMBERRemote instance identifier that will serve the block that this session is waiting for. This information is only available if the session was waiting for cluster events.
TIME_MODELNUMBERTime model information
IN_CONNECTION_MGMTVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was doing connection management at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_PARSEVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was parsing at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_HARD_PARSEVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was hard parsing at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_SQL_EXECUTIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was executing SQL statements at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_PLSQL_EXECUTIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was executing PL/SQL at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_PLSQL_RPCVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was executing inbound PL/SQL RPC calls at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_PLSQL_COMPILATIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was compiling PL/SQL at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_JAVA_EXECUTIONVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was executing Java at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_BINDVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was doing bind operations at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_CURSOR_CLOSEVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session was closing a cursor at the time of sampling (Y) or not (N)
IN_SEQUENCE_LOADVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session is loading in sequence (in sequence load code) (Y) or not (N)
CAPTURE_OVERHEADVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session is executing capture code (Y) or not (N)
REPLAY_OVERHEADVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session is executing replay code (Y) or not (N)
IS_CAPTUREDVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session is being captured (Y) or not (N)
IS_REPLAYEDVARCHAR2(1)Indicates whether the session is being replayed (Y) or not (N)
SERVICE_HASHNUMBERHash that identifies the Service; maps to V$ACTIVE_SERVICES.NAME_HASH
PROGRAMVARCHAR2(48)Name of the operating system program
MODULEFoot 2 open in new windowVARCHAR2(48)Name of the executing module when sampled, as set by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE procedure
ACTIONFootref 2open in new windowVARCHAR2(32)Name of the executing module when sampled, as set by the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION procedure
CLIENT_IDVARCHAR2(64)Client identifier of the session; maps to V$SESSION.CLIENT_IDENTIFIER
MACHINEVARCHAR2(64)Client's operating system machine name
PORTNUMBERClient port number
ECIDVARCHAR2(64)Execution context identifier (sent by Application Server)
DBREPLAY_FILE_IDNUMBERIf the session is being captured or replayed, then DBREPLAY_FILE_ID is the file ID for the workload capture or workload replay; otherwise it is NULL.
DBREPLAY_CALL_COUNTERNUMBERIf the session is being captured or replayed, then DBREPLAY_CALL_COUNTER is the call counter of the user call that is being captured or replayed; otherwise it is NULL.
TM_DELTA_TIMENUMBERTime interval (in microseconds) over which TM_DELTA_CPU_TIME and TM_DELTA_DB_TIME are accumulated
TM_DELTA_CPU_TIMENUMBERAmount of time this session spent on CPU over the last TM_DELTA_TIME microseconds
TM_DELTA_DB_TIMENUMBERAmount of time spent by this session in database calls over the last TM_DELTA_TIME microseconds
DELTA_TIMENUMBERTime interval (in microseconds) since the last time this session was sampled or created, over which the next five statistics are accumulated
DELTA_READ_IO_REQUESTSNUMBERNumber of read I/O requests made by this session over the last DELTA_TIME microseconds
DELTA_WRITE_IO_REQUESTSNUMBERNumber of write I/O requests made by this session over the last DELTA_TIME microseconds
DELTA_READ_IO_BYTESNUMBERNumber of I/O bytes read by this session over the last DELTA_TIME microseconds
DELTA_WRITE_IO_BYTESNUMBERNumber of I/O bytes written by this session over the last DELTA_TIME microseconds
DELTA_INTERCONNECT_IO_BYTESNUMBERNumber of I/O bytes sent over the I/O interconnect over the last DELTA_TIME microseconds
PGA_ALLOCATEDNUMBERAmount of PGA memory (in bytes) consumed by this session at the time this sample was taken
TEMP_SPACE_ALLOCATEDNUMBERAmount of TEMP memory (in bytes) consumed by this session at the time this sample was taken


V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION displays information about database blocks that were corrupted after the last backup.

FILE#NUMBERAbsolute file number of the datafile that contains the corrupt blocks
BLOCK#NUMBERBlock number of the first corrupt block in the range of corrupted blocks
BLOCKSNUMBERNumber of corrupted blocks found starting with BLOCK#
CORRUPTION_CHANGE#NUMBERChange number at which the logical corruption was detected. Set to 0 to indicate media corruption.
CORRUPTION_TYPEVARCHAR2(9)Type of block corruption in the datafile:
ALL ZERO - Block header on disk contained only zeros. The block may be valid if it was never filled and if it is in an Oracle7 file. The buffer will be reformatted to the Oracle8 standard for an empty block.
FRACTURED - Block header looks reasonable, but the front and back of the block are different versions.
CHECKSUM - optional check value shows that the block is not self-consistent. It is impossible to determine exactly why the check value fails, but it probably fails because sectors in the middle of the block are from different versions.
CORRUPT - Block is wrongly identified or is not a data block (for example, the data block address is missing)
LOGICAL - Block is logically corrupt
NOLOGGING - Block does not have redo log entries (for example, NOLOGGING operations on primary database can introduce this type of corruption on a physical standby)


V$SESSION displays session information for each current session.

SADDRRAW(4 | 8)Session address
SIDNUMBERSession identifier
SERIAL#NUMBERSession serial number. Used to uniquely identify a session's objects. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session objects if the session ends and another session begins with the same session ID.
AUDSIDNUMBERAuditing session ID
USER#NUMBEROracle user identifier
USERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)Oracle username
COMMANDNUMBERCommand in progress (last statement parsed).You can find the command name for any value n returned in this COMMAND column by running this SQL query:SELECT command_name FROM v$sqlcommand WHERE command_type = n; A value of 0 in this COMMAND column means the command is not recorded in V$SESSION.
OWNERIDNUMBERIdentifier of the user who owns the migratable session; the column contents are invalid if the value is 2147483644For operations using Parallel Slaves, interpret this value as a 4-byte value. The low-order 2 bytes represent the session number and the high-order bytes represent the instance ID of the query coordinator.
TADDRVARCHAR2(8)Address of the transaction state object
LOCKWAITVARCHAR2(8)Address of the lock the session is waiting for; NULL if none
STATUSVARCHAR2(8)Status of the session:ACTIVE - Session currently executing SQLINACTIVE - Session which is inactive and either has no configured limits or has not yet exceeded the configured limitsKILLED - Session marked to be killedCACHED - Session temporarily cached for use by Oracle*XASNIPED - An inactive session that has exceeded some configured limits (for example, resource limits specified for the resource manager consumer group or idle_time specified in the user's profile). Such sessions will not be allowed to become active again.
SCHEMA#NUMBERSchema user identifier
SCHEMANAMEVARCHAR2(30)Schema user name
OSUSERVARCHAR2(30)Operating system client user name
PROCESSVARCHAR2(24)Operating system client process ID
MACHINEVARCHAR2(64)Operating system machine name
PORTNUMBERClient port number
TERMINALVARCHAR2(30)Operating system terminal name
PROGRAMVARCHAR2(48)Operating system program name
TYPEVARCHAR2(10)Session type
SQL_HASH_VALUENUMBERUsed with SQL_ADDRESS to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_IDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_CHILD_NUMBERNUMBERChild number of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_EXEC_STARTDATETime when the execution of the SQL currently executed by this session started; NULL if SQL_ID is NULL
SQL_EXEC_IDNUMBERSQL execution identifier; NULL if SQL_ID is NULL or if the execution of that SQL has not yet started (see V$SQL_MONITOR)
PREV_HASH_VALUENUMBERUsed with SQL_HASH_VALUE to identify the last SQL statement executed
PREV_SQL_IDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the last SQL statement executed
PREV_CHILD_NUMBERNUMBERChild number of the last SQL statement executed
PREV_EXEC_STARTDATESQL execution start of the last executed SQL statement
PREV_EXEC_IDNUMBERSQL execution identifier of the last executed SQL statement
PLSQL_ENTRY_OBJECT_IDNUMBERObject ID of the top-most PL/SQL subprogram on the stack; NULL if there is no PL/SQL subprogram on the stack
PLSQL_ENTRY_SUBPROGRAM_IDNUMBERSubprogram ID of the top-most PL/SQL subprogram on the stack; NULL if there is no PL/SQL subprogram on the stack
PLSQL_OBJECT_IDNUMBERObject ID of the currently executing PL/SQL subprogram; NULL if executing SQL
PLSQL_SUBPROGRAM_IDNUMBERSubprogram ID of the currently executing PL/SQL object; NULL if executing SQL
MODULEFoot 1 open in new windowVARCHAR2(48)Name of the currently executing module as set by calling the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_MODULE procedure
MODULE_HASHNUMBERHash value of the MODULE column
ACTIONFootref 1open in new windowVARCHAR2(32)Name of the currently executing action as set by calling the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_ACTION procedure
ACTION_HASHNUMBERHash value of the ACTION column
FIXED_TABLE_SEQUENCENUMBERThis contains a number that increases every time the session completes a call to the database and there has been an intervening select from a dynamic performance table. This column can be used by performance monitors to monitor statistics in the database. Each time the performance monitor looks at the database, it only needs to look at sessions that are currently active or have a higher value in this column than the highest value that the performance monitor saw the last time. All the other sessions have been idle since the last time the performance monitor looked at the database.
ROW_WAIT_OBJ#NUMBERObject ID for the table containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#
ROW_WAIT_FILE#NUMBERIdentifier for the datafile containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
ROW_WAIT_BLOCK#NUMBERIdentifier for the block containing the row specified in ROW_WAIT_ROW#. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
ROW_WAIT_ROW#NUMBERCurrent row being locked. This column is valid only if the session is currently waiting for another transaction to commit and the value of ROW_WAIT_OBJ# is not -1.
TOP_LEVEL_CALL#NUMBEROracle top level call number
LAST_CALL_ETNUMBERIf the session STATUS is currently ACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time (in seconds) since the session has become active.If the session STATUS is currently INACTIVE, then the value represents the elapsed time (in seconds) since the session has become inactive.
PDML_ENABLEDVARCHAR2(3)This column has been replaced by the PDML_STATUS column
FAILOVER_TYPEVARCHAR2(13)Indicates whether and to what extent transparent application failover (TAF) is enabled for the session:NONE - Failover is disabled for this sessionSESSION - Client is able to fail over its session following a disconnectSELECT - Client is able to fail over queries in progress as well
See Also:Oracle Database Conceptsopen in new window for more information on TAFOracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guideopen in new window for information on configuring TAF
FAILOVER_METHODVARCHAR2(10)Indicates the transparent application failover method for the session:NONE - Failover is disabled for this sessionBASIC - Client itself reconnects following a disconnectPRECONNECT - Backup instance can support all connections from every instance for which it is backed up
FAILED_OVERVARCHAR2(3)Indicates whether the session is running in failover mode and failover has occurred (YES) or not (NO)
RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUPVARCHAR2(32)Name of the session's current resource consumer group
PDML_STATUSVARCHAR2(8)If ENABLED, the session is in a PARALLEL DML enabled mode. If DISABLED, PARALLEL DML enabled mode is not supported for the session. If FORCED, the session has been altered to force PARALLEL DML.
PDDL_STATUSVARCHAR2(8)If ENABLED, the session is in a PARALLEL DDL enabled mode. If DISABLED, PARALLEL DDL enabled mode is not supported for the session. If FORCED, the session has been altered to force PARALLEL DDL.
PQ_STATUSVARCHAR2(8)If ENABLED, the session is in a PARALLEL QUERY enabled mode. If DISABLED, PARALLEL QUERY enabled mode is not supported for the session. If FORCED, the session has been altered to force PARALLEL QUERY.
CURRENT_QUEUE_DURATIONNUMBERIf queued (1), the current amount of time the session has been queued. If not currently queued, the value is 0.
CLIENT_IDENTIFIERVARCHAR2(64)Client identifier of the session
BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUSVARCHAR2(11)This column provides details on whether there is a blocking session:VALID - there is a blocking session, and it is identified in the BLOCKING_INSTANCE and BLOCKING_SESSION columnsNO HOLDER - there is no session blocking this sessionNOT IN WAIT - this session is not in a waitUNKNOWN - the blocking session is unknown
BLOCKING_INSTANCENUMBERInstance identifier of the blocking session. This column is valid only if BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS has the value VALID.
BLOCKING_SESSIONNUMBERSession identifier of the blocking session. This column is valid only if BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS has the value VALID.
FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUSVARCHAR2(11)The final blocking session is the final element in the wait chain constructed by following the sessions that are blocked by one another starting with this session. In the case of a cyclical wait chain, one of the sessions in the wait chain will be chosen as the final blocker.This column provides details on whether there is a final blocking session:VALID - there is a final blocking session and it is identified in the FINAL_BLOCKING_INSTANCE and FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION columnsNO HOLDER - there is no session blocking this sessionNOT IN WAIT - this session is not in a waitUNKNOWN - the final blocking session is unknown
FINAL_BLOCKING_INSTANCENUMBERInstance identifier of the final blocking session. This column is valid only if FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS has the value VALID.
FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSIONNUMBERSession identifier of the blocking session. This column is valid only if FINAL_BLOCKING_SESSION_STATUS has the value VALID.
SEQ#NUMBERA number that uniquely identifies the current or last wait (incremented for each wait)
EVENT#NUMBEREvent number
EVENTVARCHAR2(64)Resource or event for which the session is waiting
See Also: Appendix C, "Oracle Wait Events"open in new window
P1TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Description of the first wait event parameter
P1NUMBERFirst wait event parameter (in decimal)
P1RAWRAW(8)First wait event parameter (in hexadecimal)Foot 2 open in new window
P2TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Description of the second wait event parameter
P2NUMBERSecond wait event parameter (in decimal)
P2RAWRAW(8)Second wait event parameter (in hexadecimal)Footref 2open in new window
P3TEXTVARCHAR2(64)Description of the third wait event parameter
P3NUMBERThird wait event parameter (in decimal)
P3RAWRAW(8)Third wait event parameter (in hexadecimal)Footref 2open in new window
WAIT_CLASS_IDNUMBERIdentifier of the class of the wait event
WAIT_CLASS#NUMBERNumber of the class of the wait event
WAIT_CLASSVARCHAR2(64)Name of the class of the wait event
WAIT_TIMENUMBERIf the session is currently waiting, then the value is 0. If the session is not in a wait, then the value is as follows:> 0 - Value is the duration of the last wait in hundredths of a second-1 - Duration of the last wait was less than a hundredth of a second-2 - Parameter TIMED_STATISTICS was set to falseThis column has been deprecated in favor of the columns WAIT_TIME_MICRO and STATE.
SECONDS_IN_WAITNUMBERIf the session is currently waiting, then the value is the amount of time waited for the current wait. If the session is not in a wait, then the value is the amount of time since the start of the last wait.This column has been deprecated in favor of the columns WAIT_TIME_MICRO and TIME_SINCE_LAST_WAIT_MICRO.
STATEVARCHAR2(19)Wait state:WAITING - Session is currently waitingWAITED UNKNOWN TIME - Duration of the last wait is unknown; this is the value when the parameter TIMED_STATISTICS is set to false``WAITED SHORT TIME - Last wait was less than a hundredth of a secondWAITED KNOWN TIME - Duration of the last wait is specified in the WAIT_TIME column
WAIT_TIME_MICRONUMBERAmount of time waited (in microseconds). If the session is currently waiting, then the value is the time spent in the current wait. If the session is currently not in a wait, then the value is the amount of time waited in the last wait.
TIME_REMAINING_MICRONUMBERValue is interpreted as follows:> 0 - Amount of time remaining for the current wait (in microseconds)0 - Current wait has timed out-1 - Session can indefinitely wait in the current waitNULL - Session is not currently waiting
TIME_SINCE_LAST_WAIT_MICRONUMBERTime elapsed since the end of the last wait (in microseconds). If the session is currently in a wait, then the value is 0.
SERVICE_NAMEVARCHAR2(64)Service name of the session
SQL_TRACEVARCHAR2(8)Indicates whether SQL tracing is enabled (ENABLED) or disabled (DISABLED)
SQL_TRACE_WAITSVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether wait tracing is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
SQL_TRACE_BINDSVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether bind tracing is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
SQL_TRACE_PLAN_STATSVARCHAR2(10)Frequency at which row source statistics are dumped in the trace files for each cursor:never``first_execution``all_executions
SESSION_EDITION_IDNUMBERShows the value that, in the session, would be reported by sys_context('USERENV', 'SESSION_EDITION_ID')
CREATOR_SERIAL#NUMBERSerial number of the creating process or circuit
ECIDVARCHAR2(64)Execution context identifier (sent by Application Server)

Footnote 1 The datatype of this column is VARCHAR2(64) starting with Oracle Database 11g Release 2 (

Footnote 2 The P1RAW, P2RAW, and P3RAW columns display the same values as the P1, P2, and P3 columns, except that the numbers are displayed in hexadecimal.


V$SESSION_LONGOPS displays the status of various operations that run for longer than 6 seconds (in absolute time). These operations currently include many backup and recovery functions, statistics gathering, and query execution, and more operations are added for every Oracle release.

To monitor query execution progress, you must be using the cost-based optimizer and you must:

  • Set the TIMED_STATISTICS or SQL_TRACE parameters to true
  • Gather statistics for your objects with the DBMS_STATS package

You can add information to this view about application-specific long-running operations by using the DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.SET_SESSION_LONGOPS procedure.

SIDNUMBERIdentifier of the session processing the long-running operation. If multiple sessions are cooperating in the long-running operation, then SID corresponds to the main or master session.
SERIAL#NUMBERSerial number of the session processing the long-running operation. If multiple sessions are cooperating in the long-running operation, then SERIAL# corresponds to the main or master session. SERIAL# is used to uniquely identify a session's objects. Guarantees that session-level commands are applied to the correct session objects if the session ends and another session begins with the same session ID.
OPNAMEVARCHAR2(64)Brief description of the operation
TARGETVARCHAR2(64)Object on which the operation is carried out
TARGET_DESCVARCHAR2(32)Description of the target
SOFARNUMBERUnits of work done so far for the operation specified in the OPNAME column
TOTALWORKNUMBERTotal units of work for the operation specified in the OPNAME column
UNITSVARCHAR2(32)Units of measurement
START_TIMEDATEStarting time of the operation
LAST_UPDATE_TIMEDATETime when statistics were last updated for the operation
TIMESTAMPDATETimestamp specific to the operation
TIME_REMAININGNUMBEREstimate (in seconds) of time remaining for the operation to complete
ELAPSED_SECONDSNUMBERNumber of elapsed seconds from the start of the operations
MESSAGEVARCHAR2(512)Statistics summary message
USERNAMEVARCHAR2(30)User ID of the user performing the operation
SQL_HASH_VALUENUMBERUsed with the value of the SQL_ADDRESS column to identify the SQL statement associated with the operation
SQL_IDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the SQL statement associated with the long operation, if any
SQL_EXEC_STARTDATETime when the execution of the SQL started; NULL if SQL_ID is NULL
SQL_EXEC_IDNUMBERSQL execution identifier (see V$SQL_MONITOR)
SQL_PLAN_LINE_IDNUMBERSQL plan line ID corresponding to the long operation; NULL if the long operation is not associated with a line of the execution plan
QCSIDNUMBERSession identifier of the parallel coordinator


V$PARAMETER displays information about the initialization parameters that are currently in effect for the session. A new session inherits parameter values from the instance-wide values displayed by the V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER view.

NUMNUMBERParameter number
NAMEVARCHAR2(80)Name of the parameter
TYPENUMBERParameter type:1 - Boolean2 - String3 - Integer4 - Parameter file5 - Reserved6 - Big integer
VALUEVARCHAR2(4000)Parameter value for the session (if modified within the session); otherwise, the instance-wide parameter value
DISPLAY_VALUEVARCHAR2(4000)Parameter value in a user-friendly format. For example, if the VALUE column shows the value 262144 for a big integer parameter, then the DISPLAY_VALUE column will show the value 256K.
ISDEFAULTVARCHAR2(9)Indicates whether the parameter is set to the default value (TRUE) or the parameter value was specified in the parameter file (FALSE)
ISSES_MODIFIABLEVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether the parameter can be changed with ALTER SESSION (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
ISSYS_MODIFIABLEVARCHAR2(9)Indicates whether the parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM and when the change takes effect:IMMEDIATE - Parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM regardless of the type of parameter file used to start the instance. The change takes effect immediately.DEFERRED - Parameter can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM regardless of the type of parameter file used to start the instance. The change takes effect in subsequent sessions.FALSE - Parameter cannot be changed with ALTER SYSTEM unless a server parameter file was used to start the instance. The change takes effect in subsequent instances.
ISINSTANCE_MODIFIABLEVARCHAR2(5)For parameters that can be changed with ALTER SYSTEM, indicates whether the value of the parameter can be different for every instance (TRUE) or whether the parameter must have the same value for all Real Application Clusters instances (FALSE). If the ISSYS_MODIFIABLE column is FALSE, then this column is always FALSE.
ISMODIFIEDVARCHAR2(10)Indicates whether the parameter has been modified after instance startup:MODIFIED - Parameter has been modified with ALTER SESSION``SYSTEM_MOD - Parameter has been modified with ALTER SYSTEM (which causes all the currently logged in sessions' values to be modified)FALSE - Parameter has not been modified after instance startup
ISADJUSTEDVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether Oracle adjusted the input value to a more suitable value (for example, the parameter value should be prime, but the user input a non-prime number, so Oracle adjusted the value to the next prime number)
ISDEPRECATEDVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether the parameter has been deprecated (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
ISBASICVARCHAR2(5)Indicates whether the parameter is a basic parameter (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
DESCRIPTIONVARCHAR2(255)Description of the parameter
UPDATE_COMMENTVARCHAR2(255)Comments associated with the most recent update
HASHNUMBERHash value for the parameter name


V$TRANSACTION lists the active transactions in the system.

XIDUSNNUMBERUndo segment number
XIDSQNNUMBERSequence number
UBAFILNUMBERUndo block address (UBA) filenum
UBASQNNUMBERUBA sequence number
START_TIMEVARCHAR2(20)Start time (wall clock)
START_SCNBNUMBERStart system change number (SCN) base
START_UEXTNUMBERStart extent number
START_UBASQNNUMBERStart UBA sequence number
SPACEVARCHAR2(3)YES if a space transaction
RECURSIVEVARCHAR2(3)YES if a recursive transaction
NOUNDOVARCHAR2(3)YES if a no undo transaction
PTXVARCHAR2(3)YES if parallel transaction
NAMEVARCHAR2(256)Name of a named transaction
PRV_XIDUSNNUMBERPrevious transaction undo segment number
PRV_XIDSLTNUMBERPrevious transaction slot number
PRV_XIDSQNNUMBERPrevious transaction sequence number
PTX_XIDUSNNUMBERRollback segment number of the parent XID
PTX_XIDSLTNUMBERSlot number of the parent XID
PTX_XIDSQNNUMBERSequence number of the parent XID
DSCN-BNUMBERThis column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. The value of this column is always equal to the value in DSCN_BASE.
DSCN-WNUMBERThis column is obsolete and maintained for backward compatibility. The value of this column is always equal to the value in DSCN_WRAP.
USED_UBLKNUMBERNumber of undo blocks used
USED_URECNUMBERNumber of undo records used
CR_GETNUMBERConsistent gets
CR_CHANGENUMBERConsistent changes
START_DATEDATEStart time (wall clock)
XIDRAW(8)Transaction XID
PRV_XIDRAW(8)Previous transaction XID
PTX_XIDRAW(8)Parent transaction XID


V$UNDOSTAT displays a histogram of statistical data to show how well the system is working. The available statistics include undo space consumption, transaction concurrency, and length of queries executed in the instance. You can use this view to estimate the amount of undo space required for the current workload. Oracle uses this view to tune undo usage in the system. The view returns NULL values if the system is in manual undo management mode.

Each row in the view keeps statistics collected in the instance for a 10-minute interval. The rows are in descending order by the BEGIN_TIME column value. Each row belongs to the time interval marked by (BEGIN_TIME, END_TIME). Each column represents the data collected for the particular statistic in that time interval. The first row of the view contains statistics for the (partial) current time period. The view contains a total of 576 rows, spanning a 4 day cycle.

BEGIN_TIMEDATEIdentifies the beginning of the time interval
END_TIMEDATEIdentifies the end of the time interval
UNDOTSNNUMBERRepresents the last active undo tablespace in the duration of time. The tablespace ID of the active undo tablespace is returned in this column. If more than one undo tablespace was active in that period, the active undo tablespace that was active at the end of the period is reported.
UNDOBLKSNUMBERRepresents the total number of undo blocks consumed. You can use this column to obtain the consumption rate of undo blocks, and thereby estimate the size of the undo tablespace needed to handle the workload on your system.
TXNCOUNTNUMBERIdentifies the total number of transactions executed within the period
MAXQUERYLENNUMBERIdentifies the length of the longest query (in seconds) executed in the instance during the period. You can use this statistic to estimate the proper setting of the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter. The length of a query is measured from the cursor open time to the last fetch/execute time of the cursor. Only the length of those cursors that have been fetched/executed during the period are reflected in the view.
MAXQUERYIDVARCHAR2(13)SQL identifier of the longest running SQL statement in the period
MAXCONCURRENCYNUMBERIdentifies the highest number of transactions executed concurrently within the period
UNXPSTEALCNTNUMBERNumber of attempts to obtain undo space by stealing unexpired extents from other transactions
UNXPBLKRELCNTNUMBERNumber of unexpired blocks removed from certain undo segments so they can be used by other transactions
UNXPBLKREUCNTNUMBERNumber of unexpired undo blocks reused by transactions
EXPSTEALCNTNUMBERNumber of attempts to steal expired undo blocks from other undo segments
EXPBLKRELCNTNUMBERNumber of expired undo blocks stolen from other undo segments
EXPBLKREUCNTNUMBERNumber of expired undo blocks reused within the same undo segments
SSOLDERRCNTNUMBERIdentifies the number of times the error ORA-01555 occurred. You can use this statistic to decide whether or not the UNDO_RETENTION initialization parameter is set properly given the size of the undo tablespace. Increasing the value of UNDO_RETENTION can reduce the occurrence of this error.
NOSPACEERRCNTNUMBERIdentifies the number of times space was requested in the undo tablespace and there was no free space available. That is, all of the space in the undo tablespace was in use by active transactions. The corrective action is to add more space to the undo tablespace.
ACTIVEBLKSNUMBERTotal number of blocks in the active extents of the undo tablespace for the instance at the sampled time in the period
UNEXPIREDBLKSNUMBERTotal number of blocks in the unexpired extents of the undo tablespace for the instance at the sampled time in the period
EXPIREDBLKSNUMBERTotal number of blocks in the expired extents of the undo tablespace for the instance at the sampled time in the period
TUNED_UNDORETENTIONNUMBERAmount of time (in seconds) for which undo will not be recycled from the time it was committed. At any point in time, the latest value of TUNED_UNDORETENTION is used to determine whether data committed at a particular time in the past can be recycled.



Parameter typeString
SyntaxDB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST = directory `
Default valueThere is no default value.
ModifiableALTER SYSTEM ... SID='*'
Oracle RACYou must set this parameter for every instance, and multiple instances must have the same value.

B_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST specifies the default location for the fast recovery area. The fast recovery area contains multiplexed copies of current control files and online redo logs, as well as archived redo logs, flashback logs, and RMAN backups.

Specifying this parameter without also specifying the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE initialization parameter is not allowed.


Parameter typeBig integer
Default valueThere is no default value.
ModifiableALTER SYSTEM ... SID='*'
Oracle RACYou must set this parameter for every instance, and multiple instances must have the same value.

DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST_SIZE specifies (in bytes) the hard limit on the total space to be used by target database recovery files created in the fast recovery area.

Note that neither block 0 nor the OS block header of each Oracle file is included in this size. Allow an extra 10% for this data when computing the actual disk usage required for the fast recovery area.


Parameter typeInteger
Default value0
Range of values0 to 3600 seconds
Oracle RACMultiple instances can have different values, and you can change the values at runtime.

FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET enables you to specify the number of seconds the database takes to perform crash recovery of a single instance. When specified, FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET is overridden by LOG_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL.


Parameter typeString
Default valueThere is no default value.

The LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_``n initialization parameter defines up to 31 (where n = 1, 2, 3, ... 31) destinations, each of which must specify either the LOCATION or the SERVICE attribute to specify where to archive the redo data. All other attributes are optional. Note that whether you are specifying the LOCATION attribute or the SERVICE attribute, it must be the first attribute supplied in the list of attributes.

If you choose not to enter any attributes, then you can specify a NULL string by entering the following:


You set the attributes for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_``n initialization parameter to control different aspects of how redo transport services transfer redo data from a production or primary database destination to another (standby) database destination. You can query the V$ARCHIVE_DEST view to see the current attribute settings for each destination (n).


Some of the attributes for this parameter are deprecated, but are being retained for backward compatibility. See "Deprecated Attributes for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n"open in new window.

For every LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter that you define, you must specify a corresponding LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n parameter. The LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n (where n is an integer from 1 to 31) initialization parameter specifies whether the corresponding destination is currently enabled or disabled.

See Also:

"LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n"open in new window

Destinations LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_11 through LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_31 do not support the SYNC, ARCH, LOCATION, MANDATORY, or ALTERNATE attributes, and cannot be specified as the target of the ALTERNATE attribute.

LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_11 through LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_31 can only be used when the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter is set to 11.2.0 or higher.


See Also:

Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administrationopen in new window for detailed descriptions of all the values listed in this section

  • AFFIRM and NOAFFIRMopen in new window

    Control whether a redo transport destination acknowledges received redo data before or after writing it to the standby redo log. The default is NOAFFIRM.

  • ALTERNATE=LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_nopen in new window

    Specifies an alternate archiving destination to be used when the original destination fails. There is no default value; if an alternate destination is not specified, then archiving does not automatically change to another destination if the original destination fails.

  • ASYNCopen in new window

    The redo data generated by a transaction need not have been received at a destination which has this attribute before that transaction can commit. This is the default behavior if neither SYNC nor ASYNC is specified.

  • COMPRESSIONopen in new window

    Indicates whether network compression is enabled or disabled.

    The COMPRESSION attribute is ignored if the Advanced Compression option has not been enabled.

  • DB_UNIQUE_NAME=nameopen in new window

    Specifies a unique name for the database at this destination. You must specify a name; there is no default value.

  • [DELAY=minutes]open in new window

    Specifies a minimum time lag between when redo data is archived on a standby site retrieving redo from a primary and when the archived redo log file is applied to the standby database or any standbys cascading from it. If you specify the DELAY attribute without a time interval, the default is 30 minutes.

  • LOCATION=local_disk_directory or USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DESTopen in new window

    Specifies either a local file system destination or the directory, file system, or Automatic Storage Manager disk group that will serve as the fast recovery area. You must specify this attribute for at least one destination. You can specify either a local disk directory or fast recovery area with the LOCATION attribute. You must include either the LOCATION or the SERVICE attribute for each destination to specify where to archive the redo data.

  • MANDATORYopen in new window

    Specifies that the transmission of redo data to the destination must succeed before the local online redo log file can be made available for reuse. If the MANDATORY attribute is not specified, then the destination is optional.

  • MAX_CONNECTIONSopen in new window

    Specifies the maximum number of network connections that can be used to transmit redo data to this destination. The default is 1.

  • MAX_FAILUREopen in new window

    Controls the consecutive number of times redo transport services attempt to reestablish communication and transmit redo data to a failed destination before the primary database permanently gives up on the standby database.

  • NET_TIMEOUT=secondsopen in new window

    Specifies the number of seconds the log writer process on the primary system waits for status from the network server (LNSn) process before terminating the network connection. The default is 30 seconds.

  • NOREGISTERopen in new window

    Indicates that the location of the archived redo log file is not to be recorded at the corresponding destination.

  • [REOPEN=seconds]open in new window

    Specifies the minimum number of seconds before the archiver processes (ARCn) or the log writer process (LGWR) should try again to access a previously failed destination. The default is 300 seconds.

  • SERVICE=net_service_nameopen in new window

    Specifies a valid Oracle Net service name (SERVICE=net_service_name) that identifies the remote Oracle database instance to which redo data will be sent. Each destination must specify either the LOCATION or the SERVICE attribute. There is no default net service name.

  • SYNCopen in new window

    The redo data generated by a transaction must have been received by every enabled destination which has this attribute before that transaction can commit.

  • TEMPLATEopen in new window=filename_template%t%s_%r

    Specifies a pathname and a filename template for archived redo log files created at a redo transport destination that contain redo data from the database where this attribute is specified. This attribute overrides the value of the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT initialization parameter at a redo transport destination. This attribute does not have a default value.

  • VALID_FOR=(redo_log_type, database_role)open in new window

    Identifies when redo transport services can transmit redo data to destinations based on the following factors:

    • redo_log_type—whether online redo log files, standby redo log files, or both are currently being archived on the database at this destination
    • database_role—whether the database is currently running in the primary or the standby role

Deprecated Attributes for LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n

The following attributes are deprecated for the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_``n parameter. They are retained for backward compatibility only.

Table 1-2 Deprecated Attributes on the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n Initialization Parameter

Deprecated AttributeAlternative
ARCHSpecify SYNC or ASYNC. ASYNC is the default if neither attribute is specified.
LGWRSpecify SYNC or ASYNC. ASYNC is the default if neither attribute is specified.
OPTIONALDestinations are optional by default.
VERIFYNone. This attribute is only used with the deprecated ARCH attribute.

In addition, note the following changes to the ASYNC and SYNC attributes:

  • The BLOCKS keyword on the ASYNC attribute is no longer needed.

    It is no longer necessary to set this keyword because Data Guard dynamically adjusts the block count up or down to an appropriate number of blocks, as necessary.

  • The PARALLEL and NOPARALLEL keywords on the SYNC attribute are no longer needed.


Parameter typeString
Default valueexclusive
Oracle RACMultiple instances must have the same value.

REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE specifies whether Oracle checks for a password file.


  • shared

    One or more databases can use the password file. The password file can contain SYS as well as non-SYS users.

  • exclusive

    The password file can be used by only one database. The password file can contain SYS as well as non-SYS users.

  • none

    Oracle ignores any password file. Therefore, privileged users must be authenticated by the operating system.


  • When REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE is set to either exclusive or shared, but the password file does not exist, then the behavior is the same as setting REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to none.
  • If you change REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE to exclusive or shared from none, then ensure that the password file is in sync with the dictionary passwords. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide fopen in new windowor more information.


Parameter typeString
Default valueTYPICAL

STATISTICS_LEVEL specifies the level of collection for database and operating system statistics. The Oracle Database collects these statistics for a variety of purposes, including making self-management decisions.

The default setting of TYPICAL ensures collection of all major statistics required for database self-management functionality and provides best overall performance. The default value should be adequate for most environments.

When the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to ALL, additional statistics are added to the set of statistics collected with the TYPICAL setting. The additional statistics are timed OS statistics and plan execution statistics.

Setting the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter to BASIC disables the collection of many of the important statistics required by Oracle Database features and functionality, including:

  • Automatic Workload Repository (AWR) Snapshots
  • Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM)
  • All server-generated alerts
  • Automatic SGA Memory Management
  • Automatic optimizer statistics collection
  • Object level statistics
  • End to End Application Tracing (V$CLIENT_STATS)
  • Database time distribution statistics (V$SESS_TIME_MODEL and V$SYS_TIME_MODEL)
  • Service level statistics
  • Buffer cache advisory
  • MTTR advisory
  • Shared pool sizing advisory
  • Segment level statistics
  • PGA Target advisory
  • Timed statistics
  • Monitoring of statistics


Oracle strongly recommends that you do not disable these important features and functionality.

When the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is modified by ALTER SYSTEM, all advisories or statistics are dynamically turned on or off, depending on the new value of STATISTICS_LEVEL. When modified by ALTER SESSION, the following advisories or statistics are turned on or off in the local session only. Their system-wide state is not changed:

  • Timed statistics
  • Timed OS statistics
  • Plan execution statistics

The V$STATISTICS_LEVEL view displays information about the status of the statistics or advisories controlled by the STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter.See "V$STATISTICS_LEVEL"open in new window.

贡献者: stonebox